Anxiety Attack and Disorder Treatment in Columbia, Missouri – Get Professional Assistance

An anxiety attack can be a frightening and overwhelming experience. A person may feel like he/she can’t breathe properly, the heart is racing too fast, the head is spinning, and unable to control thoughts. It is often triggered by frequent feelings of fear, persistent worry, and intense terror which seem like never-ending.

It generally involves a fear of some particular occurrence or trouble that could arise. If the level of stress and fear continue for a long time, further mental and physical issues may develop. You might consider your anxiety unbalanced and uncontrollable, but it is treatable. With the right action plan, you can learn how to control your negative thoughts and reduce the frequency of anxiety attacks.

Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety Attack

  • Feeling nervous, tense or restless

  • A feeling of danger, panic or doom

  • Increased heart rate or breathing rapidly

  • Sweating and shaking

  • Feeling weak or tired

  • Difficulty concentrating or thinking about anything rather than present

  • Sleeping difficulty

  • Facing difficulty in controlling worry

  • Numbness

  • Chest pain

  • Feeling faint

Have you found yourself overcome by fear? Have you been experiencing shortness of breath? Do you want to regain control of your life? Anxiety attack treatment in Columbia, Missouri at Empowered Life, LLC can help.

Anxiety Disorder Treatment in Columbia, MO – Change Your Negative Thought Patterns

An experienced therapist will help you identify the causes of your anxiety attack and strive to reduce such symptoms in a safer environment. We will take you through what has happened in the past, what signs and symptoms come first, and other complications you might face as you begin gaining control over your fear.

Through our anxiety disorder treatment in Columbia, MO, you will begin to understand negative beliefs and thinking lead to depression and fear and work to replace them with productive and effective choices. For fast recovery, it is always better to accept yourself physically, emotionally, and cognitively. Consult us to turn off your anxiety response and move forward in your life.

Contact Us
Columbia, Missouri
(573) 603-3116

Monday through Friday: 10AM – 5PM